Module clamav is not loaded into PHP


$path = "/some/directory";

$cnt = 0;
$pass = 0;
$fail = 0;

/* Get running environnement (CLI or not) */
$br = (php_sapi_name() == "cli")? "\n":"<br />\n";

$module = 'clamav';

/* Check if extension is loaded and return all functions */
if (extension_loaded($module))

	/* Deactive debug */
	if (function_exists('cl_debug_off'))

	/* Run cl_info() and return result */
	print $br."<b>cl_info() returns : </b>".cl_info().$br;

	/* Run cl_info() and return result */
	print "<b>cl_version() returns : </b>".cl_version().$br;

	/* Run two principal cl_retcode() function and return result for a CL_CLEAN and CL_VIRUS */
	print "<b>cl_pretcode(CL_CLEAN) return : </b>".cl_pretcode(CL_CLEAN).$br;
	print "<b>cl_pretcode(CL_VIRUS) return : </b>".cl_pretcode(CL_VIRUS).$br.$br;

	$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");

	while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) 

		if($file!="." && $file!="..")
			/* Run a cl_scanfile() and return the result into $retcode and the virus name if found in $virusname */
			$fname = $path."/".$file;
			if (file_exists("$fname"))
				$retcode = cl_scanfile("$fname", $virusname);
				if ($retcode == CL_VIRUS)
					print "<b>File Path : </b>".$file.$br."<b>Return Code : </b>".cl_pretcode($retcode).$br."<b>Virus Name : </b>".$virusname.$br.$br; 
				} else {
					print "<b>File Path : </b>".$file.$br."<b>Return Code : </b>".cl_pretcode($retcode).$br.$br; 
	print "<b>Results : </b> scanned ".$cnt." files, ".$pass." infected, ".$fail." clean".$br.$br;
} else {
	print "Module $module is not loaded into PHP";